Paying Attention to American values, national policy and the Deep State

Is to provide a viewpoint that may be ahead of common acceptance. Also to have a little fun with lists mainly in entertainment.
Our Primary Topics:
The American Perspective is not a news outlet, it is a source for, well, perspective and analysis. I regard perspective as somewhat distinct from opinion. Opinion is remarking at a personal and emotional level on what happened or what should be happening with a single focused lens. Perspective considers what happened, but is more concerned with what happens next and considers context and external forces to the issue. Arguments are those positions that take perspective (or opinion) and add facts and principles, whereas opinion is largely unsubstantiated. Opinion seems to kind of leap out, where perspective is developed over time through experience. Just to give my perspective. (Smile)
This will be to post the most interesting replies we get. Have we hit the mark in addressing American values, national policy and the secret activities of the Deep State?